To grow food crops we need healthy soil. What is soil and how do farmers make sure it remains productive? Using online resources and two stories from the Food for 9 Billion series, students will investigate how farmers in two different countries are addressing the need to nourish the soil.
Grade Level:
Estimated Time:
1-2 50 minute class periods
Materials Needed:
Student handout, Student computers with Internet access
- Students will explore arable land and cereal crop yield data from around the world.
- Students will investigate some of the conditions that affect food production in two West African countries.
- Students will use online resources to collect data and information about productivity and soil types.
- Students will compare and contrast different soil types.
- Students will describe and evaluate the impact of various efforts to maintain soil fertility and to increase food production.
Concepts Covered:
Types of soil, arable land, cereal crop yield, soil fertility